"Everybody has some private life"

paramahamsa hariharananda rajarshi dr. raghabananda nayak yogacharya don baba Nov 01, 2024


Rajarshi Raghabananda at Banabira Kriya Yoga Ashram

Rajarshi Raghabananda at Banabira Kriya Yoga Ashram


During my first visit to Hariharananda Mission Banabira Ashram, while we were having a "chai tea" break, Rajarshi Raghabanandaji shared a very personal experience about being with Baba Hariharananda at Karar Ashram, Puri, India.

We were a small group of Yogachayras standing outside the meditation hall in between classes, sharing personal experiences of being with Baba Hariharananda, which included Dr. Chanchal Roy, Haraprasad, ABS Sharma and myself. 

It is a very personal story of Raghabanandaji' s experience of Baba Hariharananda's omniscient ability which happen to him one day in Baba's room at the Karar Ashram. 

I am a little hesitant to share it in a public forum, but it is really is a heart touching example of Baba's love and care of his disciples. Hearing Raghabanandaji tell it was so precious, sweet and endearing that his love for Baba shined thru his words as he spoke.

One evening Raghabananda was sitting at the foot of Baba's bed and Baba was dictating a letter and one of the sannyasi's of the ashram was writing on a sheet of paper for Baba.

In the letter, Baba was praising Raghabananda's spiritual state and talking highly about him to  the person in the letter.

Baba could see' inside the sanyasi's mind that he was perplexed that Baba was talking so highly about Raghabananda. He was thinking "why is Baba talking so highly about this 'householder", "he spills his seed" and has not renounced his worldly life, while the sannyasi had given up everything for God".

Baba stops dictating the letter and talks directly to the sannyasi, "You don't understand , that even when Raghabananda's wife is enjoying sexually with him, his mind is fixed on God."

Raghabananda said he was a little embarrassed to hear Baba's words and cried out to Baba,

"Baaa Ba, you know, everyone has some private life, do you watch everything I do?

It was sweet how Raghabananda said these words while telling this part of the story, reflecting his innocent pure sweetness and surprise that Baba knew his most intimate life.

Baba's response was "Yes, Yes, I know my disciples fully well, particularly those who have opened their hearts to me. You have opened your heart, so I know you fully well."